Verify webhooks
This guide highlights the steps to verify incoming webhooks using signatures
Webhook signatures are strings used to verify the validity of an incoming webhook event. This signature is passed as header values in the format: X-Neynar-Signature
The validation is an important process to prevent exploitation and malicious webhook requests.
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"X-Neynar-Signature": "6ffbb59b2300aae63f272406069a9788598b792a944a07aba816edb039989a39"
Verification Process
Step 1. Create a new signature string
Use an HMAC library of your choice to create a sha512 digest with the following:
- Shared secret - Find this on the Developer Portal
- Encoding format - This is always
- Request payload - The request body object of the webhook POST
Step 2. Compare the signatures
Compare the signatures from Step 1 and the request header X-Neynar-Signature
Here's an example of a Next.js API handler validating a signature from a request.
import { NextRequest } from "next/server";
import { createHmac } from "crypto";
export async function POST(req: NextRequest) {
const body = await req.text();
const sig = req.headers.get("X-Neynar-Signature");
if (!sig) {
throw new Error("Neynar signature missing from request headers");
const webhookSecret = process.env.NEYNAR_WEBHOOK_SECRET;
if (!webhookSecret) {
throw new Error("Make sure you set NEYNAR_WEBHOOK_SECRET in your .env file");
const hmac = createHmac("sha512", webhookSecret);
const generatedSignature = hmac.digest("hex");
const isValid = generatedSignature === sig;
if (!isValid) {
throw new Error("Invalid webhook signature");
const hookData = JSON.parse(body);
// your code continues here ...
- Caveats and additional details can be found here: Verification of simple signatures
Updated 8 days ago