What does @dwr.eth's Farcaster notifications look like?

Fetch notifications for any Farcaster user

This guide demonstrates how to fetch notifications (inbound mentions, replies, likes, recasts) of a Farcaster user with the Neynar SDK.

Check out this Getting started guide to learn how to set up your environment and get an API key.

First, initialize the client:

// npm i @neynar/nodejs-sdk
import { NeynarAPIClient } from "@neynar/nodejs-sdk";

// make sure to set your NEYNAR_API_KEY .env
// don't have an API key yet? get one at neynar.com
const client = new NeynarAPIClient(process.env.NEYNAR_API_KEY);

Then fetch the notifications:

const dwrFID = 3;
const notifications = await client.fetchAllNotifications(dwrFID);


Example output:

  notifications: [
      object: "notification",
      most_recent_timestamp: "2023-11-28T11:11:11.000Z",
      type: "likes",
      cast: [Object ...],
      reactions: [
        [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...]
    }, {
      object: "notification",
      most_recent_timestamp: "2023-11-28T11:10:56.000Z",
      type: "likes",
      cast: [Object ...],
      reactions: [
        [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...]
    }, {
      object: "notification",
      most_recent_timestamp: "2023-11-28T11:09:16.000Z",
      type: "likes",
      cast: [Object ...],
      reactions: [
        [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...]
    }, {
      object: "notification",
      most_recent_timestamp: "2023-11-28T11:05:59.000Z",
      type: "follows",
      follows: [
        [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...]
    }, {
      object: "notification",
      most_recent_timestamp: "2023-11-28T10:25:51.000Z",
      type: "likes",
      cast: [Object ...],
      reactions: [
        [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...],
        [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...]
  next: {
    cursor: "eyJ0aW1lc3RhbXAiOiIyMDIzLTExLTI4IDEwOjI1OjUxLjAwMDAwMDAifQ=="

So that's what @dwr.eth sees on his Farcaster notification! To fetch the next page of notifications, use the cursor:

const nextNotifications = await client.fetchAllNotifications(dwrFID, {
  cursor: notifications.next.cursor,

To only fetch reply and mentions, use the fetchMentionAndReplyNotifications function:

const mentionsAndReplies = await client.fetchMentionAndReplyNotifications(


Example output:

  result: {
    notifications: [
      [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...], [Object ...]
    next: {
      cursor: "eyJ0aW1lc3RhbXAiOiIyMDIzLTExLTI4IDA3OjI5OjI4LjAwMDAwMDAifQ=="

To fetch the next page of mentions and replies, use the cursor:

const nextMentionsAndReplies = await client.fetchMentionAndReplyNotifications(
    cursor: mentionsAndReplies.result.next.cursor,

That's it! You can now fetch notifications of any Farcaster user.


Ready to start building?

Get your subscription at neynar.com and reach out to us on Telegram with any questions!