Features (hidden from roadmap right now)
Neynar Frame Studio
- ✅ Rapid prototyping using a GUI interface
- ✅ Pre made templates that you can turn into a frame very quickly (galleries, memes, product checkout, taking in text input, NFT minting)
- ✅ Neynar provided frame hosting
- ⏭️ Built in usage analytics for every frame [coming soon]
- ⏭️ Self serve data export for frames that take in text input [coming soon]
- ⏭️ custom domains for your frame URLs [coming soon]
Neynar APIs
- ✅ APIs to embed frames into your client
- ✅ APIs to validate frame data and hydrate user data, user reactions and cast data in one API call
- ⏭️ Extensibility using flex URLs with detailed context on the cast, cast author, signer, interactor, and actions [coming soon]
- ⏭️ Programmatic access to building frames using APIs [coming soon]
- ⏭️ Neynar provided hosting for programmatically created frames [coming soon]
- ⏭️ Improved security & spam protection by privatizing POST API endpoints [coming soon]
- ⏭️ Frame usage analytics over API [coming soon]
If you have questions on how to get started see our guides on building frames and embedding frames. More details on Neynar frame architecture below.
Simple Pages
There are two ways to create simple pages inside a frame
1. Frame Builder GUI
Check out the Neynar Frame Studio
"uuid": "5ec484f5-efaf-4bda-9a3f-0579232a386a",
"image": "https://i.imgur.com/gpn83Gm.png",
"title": "Frame Shopper",
"buttons": [
"title": "Shop",
"next_page": {
"flex_url": "https://frameshopper.xyz/api/shop"
"action_type": "post_flex"
"version": "vNext"
When the action button on this page is tapped, Neynar will:
- Receive an initial post from the client
- Validate the action
- Hydrate context details (as needed) - cast, cast author, interactor, signer, and actions
- Make a POST request to the
on the Frame developer's server with all the action context - Frame developer should respond with a status 200 and a JSON representation of the next page
- Neynar will return the next page to the client
2. Create simple pages using simple REST APIs
⏭️ GET, PUT, POST, DELETE at /v2/farcaster/frame
[coming soon]
⏭️ Flex Pages [coming soon]
Frame developers can build dynamic pages using the flex_url
All frame actions with a flex_url
will be forwarded to the URL as a POST
Here's an example frame with a static first page.
"uuid": "5ec484f5-efaf-4bda-9a3f-0579232a386a",
"image": "https://i.imgur.com/gpn83Gm.png",
"title": "Frame Shopper",
"buttons": [
"title": "Shop",
"next_page": {
"flex_url": "https://frameshopper.xyz/api/shop"
"action_type": "post_flex"
"version": "vNext"
Updated about 1 year ago