For-you feed w/ external providers

Retrieve a personalized For You feed for a user with other providers like OpenRank and MBD

To choose a different provider, simply pass in a different value in the provider field. openrank is set as the default. (karma3 is an older name for openrank --kept here for backwards compatiblity--)

If you pick mbd as provider, you can further customize your feed by passing in additional filter values in an optionalfilters object inside the provider_metadata field in the request e.g.

const provider_metadata = encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify({
  "filters": {
    "channels": [
    "languages": [
    "author_ids": [
    // remove_author_fids only works when author_ids isn't passed in
    // "remove_author_ids": [
      // "18949"
    // ],
    "frames_only": false,
    "embed_domains": [
    "ai_labels": [
		"remove_ai_labels": [

The filters available for MBD that you can pass in that object are:

start_timestampstringreturn only casts after this start_timestamp, specified as Epoch time (Unix timestamp)
end_timestampstringreturn only casts before this end_timestamp, specified as Epoch time (Unix timestamp)
channelsstring[]return only casts that belong to these channels, specified by channel urls (root_parent_url)
languagesstring[]returns only casts that use these languages
author_idsstring[]returns only casts created by authors with these fids
remove_author_idsstring[]does not return casts created by authors with these fid's
NOTE: this is ignored if author_ids is defined
frames_onlybooleanwhether to limit search to only frames
embed_domainsstring[]return only casts with specific domains embedded
ai_labelsstring[]Return only casts that have these AI labels. Available values below.

Labels in topics category:

- arts_culture

- business_entrepreneurs

- celebrity_pop_culture

- diaries_daily_life

- family

- fashion_style

- film_tv_video

- fitness_health

- food_dining

- gaming

- learning_educational

- music

- news_social_concern

- other_hobbies

- relationships

- science_technology

- sports

- travel_adventure

- youth_student_life

Labels in sentiment category:

- positive

- neutral

- negative

Labels in emotion category:

- anger

- anticipation

- disgust

- fear

- joy

- love

- optimism

- pessimism

- sadness

- surprise

- trust

Labels in moderation category:

- llm_generated

- spam

- sexual

- hate

- violence

- harassment

- self_harm

- sexual_minors

- hate_threatening

- violencegraphic

Labels in web3_topics category:

- web3_nft

- web3_defi

- web3_infra

- web3_industry

- web3_consumer
remove_ai_labelsstring[]do not return casts with these AI labels
NOTE: this is ignored if ai_labels is defined

A full request to the feed API with the custom mbd filters object looks like below

const fetch = require('node-fetch');

const provider_metadata = encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify({
  "filters": {
    "channels": [
    "languages": [
    "author_ids": [
    // Note: remove_author_ids only works when author_ids isn't passed in
    // "remove_author_ids": [
    //   "18949"
    // ],
    "frames_only": false,
    "embed_domains": [
    "ai_labels": [

const url = `${provider_metadata}`;

const options = {
  method: 'GET',
  headers: {
    'accept': 'application/json',
    'api_key': 'NEYNAR_API_DOCS'

// Fetch request with the metadata and options
fetch(url, options)
  .then(response => response.json())
  .then(data => console.log(data))
  .catch(error => console.error('error:', error));