Fetch Signers - Frontend (Wallet Integration)

This guide demonstrates how to get a list of signers for an account if the developer can't access the user's mnemonic. (If the developer has access to the mnemonic, check: Backend)


Related API: Fetch signers

Important Note

The Neynar Client Instantiation and API calls (fetchNonce and fetchSigners) should ideally be performed on the backend to protect your API key and maintain security.


  1. Ethereum-Enabled Browser
    Ensure you are using a browser with a wallet like MetaMask installed.

  2. API Key
    Obtain an API key from dev portal

  3. Dependencies Installed

    Install the required packages:

    yarn add siwe viem @neynar/nodejs-sdk

Code Breakdown and Steps

  1. Import Required Libraries
    The code starts by importing the necessary libraries:

    import { SiweMessage } from "siwe";
    import { createWalletClient, custom, publicActions } from "viem";
    import { optimism } from "viem/chains";
    import { NeynarAPIClient, Configuration } from "@neynar/nodejs-sdk";
  2. Configure Neynar API Client
    Set up the Neynar API client with your API key and base path. Note that this should ideally be done on the backend for security reasons:

    const config = new Configuration({
     apiKey: "YOUR_API_KEY_HERE",
    const client = new NeynarAPIClient(config);
  3. Create the Wallet Client
    The createWalletClient function initializes a wallet client using the viem library. It uses window.ethereum to connect to the browser's wallet:

    const wallet = createWalletClient({
     chain: optimism,
     transport: custom(window.ethereum),
  4. Create the SIWE Message
    The createSiweMessage function generates a SIWE message with details such as domain, address, and nonce:

    async function createSiweMessage(address, statement) {
      const { nonce } = await client.fetchNonce();
      const message = new SiweMessage({
     scheme: "http",
     domain: "localhost:8080",
     uri: "http://localhost:8080",
     version: "1",
     chainId: "1",
     nonce: nonce,
      return message.prepareMessage();
  5. Sign and Verify the Message
    The fetchSigners function retrieves the user's Ethereum address, generates a SIWE message, signs it, and verifies the signature using the Neynar API.


    1. Neynar API should ideally be accessed from the backend
    2. The address should be the custody_address of the farcaster account (Check custody_address here)

    async function fetchSigners() {
      const address = (await wallet.getAddresses())[0];
      let message = await createSiweMessage(
        "Sign in with Ethereum to the app."
      const signature = await wallet.signMessage({ account: address, message });
      const { signers } = await client.fetchSigners({ message, signature });
      return signers;
  6. Execute the Function
    Call the fetchSigners function and handle the response or errors:

     .then((signers) => {
     console.log("\n\nsigners:", signers, "\n\n");
     .catch((error) => {
     console.error("error:", error);

Expected Output

    "object": "signer",
    "signer_uuid": "19d0c5fd-9b33-4a48-a0e2-bc7b0555baec",
    "public_key": "0xe4abc135d40f8a6ee216d1a6f2f4e82476dff75f71ea53c5bdebca43f5c415b7",
    "status": "approved",
    "fid": 0
    "object": "signer",
    "signer_uuid": "08c71152-c552-42e7-b094-f510ff44e9cb",
    "public_key": "0xe4cd577123def73295dd9991c589b59b48cdc976b5e83a9ad8d2a13fcfcc0e72",
    "status": "approved",
    "fid": 0

For additional help, feel free to contact us.